

Thursday, 26th February

 13:30 -           Opening & Registration
14:00 - 14:18 Ellery Ames (Chalmers) Fuchsian PDE and their Role in Characterizing Singular Solutions to the Vacuum Einstein Equations
14:20 - 14:38
Ivica Smolić (Zagreb) Symmetry inheritance of scalar fields
14:40 - 14:58 Gergely Debreczeni (Budapest) A binary neutron star coalescence forecasting algorithm for GRB observations
15:00 - 15:30
tea/coffee break
15:30 - 15:48 Clemens Saemann (Vienna) Global hyperbolicity for spacetimes with continuous metrics
15:50 - 16:08
David Szeghy
The differentiability of horizons
16:10 - 16:28
Emma Jakobsson (Stockholm)
Limits of spacetimes


 Friday, 27th February

9:30 - 09:48 Rodrigo Panosso Macedo (Jena) Axisymmetric fully spectral code for hyperbolic equations
09:50 - 10:08 Christian Schell (AEI Golm) Numerical evolution of the axisymmetric vacuum Einstein equations in spherical coordinates: the linear case
10:10 - 10:28 Juliette Hell (Berlin) Chaotic heteroclinic structure for extreme gravity models
10:30 - 11:20
 tea/coffee break and poster session
11:20 - 11:38 Stefan Palenta (Jena) The characteristic initial value problem of colliding plane gravitational waves
11:40 - 11:58 Klaus Kröncke (Regensburg) On the Einstein flow with positive cosmological constant
12:00 - 12:18 Maximilian Thaller (Chalmers) Spherically Symmetric, Static Solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov System with Non-Vanishing Cosmological Constant
12:20 - 14:00 lunch break
14:00 - 14:18 Jeremie Joudioux (Vienna) The vector field method for Vlasov fields
14:20 - 14:38 Maciej Maliborski (Krakow) About stability islands of Anti-de Sitter space-studies of pure gravitational perturbation
14:40 - 14:58 Andreas Fuchs (Vienna) Null canonical formulation and integrability of cylindrical gravitational waves
15:00 - 15:20

tea/coffee break

15:20 - 15:38 Bruno Premoselli (Cergy-Pontoise) Robustness of the conformal constraint equations in a scalar-field setting
15:40- 15:58 Drazen Vrzan (Vienna) Mass inequalities for axially symmetric, asymptotically flat initial data
16:00 - 16:18 Andreas Hermann (Universitaet Potsdam) Surgery and the Positive Mass Conjecture
16:20 - 17:10 break
17:10 - 18:00 Robert M. Wald (Chicago) Black Holes and Thermodynamics
18:10 - 19:00 George Sparling (Pittsburg) Searching for structure: A tribute to Doctor Zoltán Perjés
Twistor particle theory: our joint discoveries.


 Saturday, 28th February

09:30 - 09:48 Gicquaud Romain (Tours) Invariants at infinity of asymptotically hyperbolic metrics
09:50 - 10:08 Michał Piróg (Krakow) Keplerian rotation curves in self-gravitating disks in the first post newtonian approximation
10:10 - 10:28 Patryk Mach (Krakow) Post-Newtonian stationary disks: dynamic anti-dragging and general relativistic rotation laws

10:30 - 11:00 tea/coffee break
11:00 - 11:18 Andras Laszlo (Budapest) Conformal invariance without referring to Weyl rescalings
 11:20 - 11:38 David Schinkel (Jena) Axisymmetric constant mean curvature slices in the Kerr space-time
 11:40 - 11:58 Tomasz Smolka (Warsaw) Simple description of Maxwell field on Kerr black hole background